Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


We Offer A Wide Variety of IT Resources

Customer Care

Whether simple or complex, quick or not so much, POS Plus representatives understand our job - to listen, provide options, and deliver working solutions

Loyalty Program Consultation

The goal is simple – just one more dollar, just one more item, just one more visit.

Custom Development

The POS Plus development team is capable of creating solutions designed to scale into the future, and ensuring investment protection for years to come.

// Our Services

Customer Care

At POS Plus, we understand service comes in many forms, and most important, we understand our core task is to service the many needs of our clients.  Whether simple or complex, quick or not so much, POS Plus representatives understand our job – to listen, provide options, and deliver working solutions.  A focused approach to complex problems, something our team has been doing for over 25 years.

Our team consists of programmers and technicians, sales and marketing, administrators and managers –with real world grocery experience from all facets of the supply chain.  Such experience allows us to take a more consultative approach with our clients, discussing what has worked and what has not.  Best of all, our clients find it refreshing to be included in the process, learning causes and effects, and understanding solutions before they implemented.

Our core services include:
  • Installation
  • Initial, on-going, and advanced training
  • Hardware maintenance and break-fix
  • Network and infrastructure consultation
  • Process surveys and recommendations
  • Software support and help desk
  • Parts and supplies


And we understand one size does not fit every situation, so customizing our offers to meet your needs and budget is just a simple conversation.

// Our Services

Loyalty Program Consultation

The goal is simple – just one more dollar, just one more item, just one more visit.  The steps to achieving that goal can be daunting, and without a sure-fire guaranteed method, experience makes the difference.  The team at POS Plus provides the experience and can have that discussion of what has worked, and what has not – all throughout the country.

The process can start off simple, utilizing automated offers to drive customer behavior, which can easily grow into slightly more complex transactions based promotions.  Now customers earn offers based on what is purchased, and retailers don’t need a card, phone number or any store of tracking system.  Best of all, retailers can grow into customer tracking and easily fold in traditional offers, plus expand the depth of offers available.

And we offer much more than simple, too.  In fact, we offer more advanced integrations to help retailers with things like state sponsored produce incentives, points based and fuel rewards, digital manufacturers’ coupons, and more.

Contact us today to find out how a five minute discussion could lead to increased sales and profitability, better customer retention, or more ways to combat competition.

Profit Controls Consultation

Much like loyalty, profit goals are pretty simple – keep as many of those pennies you earn as possible.  Technology can provide the tools necessary to do this, and with the know-how of POS Plus, we can help your team develop processes around those tools to safe guard those pennies.

Tools like integrating meat and deli scales are just the beginning.  Simplifying price management and consistency throughout the store is a good start, but those same tools can be expanded to better control scale production and shrink, both of which eat those pennies breakfast.

Cost management tools also provide a clear path to saving pennies, especially with multiple vendors and hundreds of overlapping allowances.  It’s time to stop leaving profit on the table, especially when a system can present all that data in simple to follow procedures.

Limited controls on various purchasing and inventory choke points can also lead to better profit protection too.  From simple things like managing cost break quantities or breaking down bulk containers, to more advanced procedures like back door or DSD receiving, POS Plus can arm your team with tools, procedures and processes, and the support necessary to get the most out of your pennies earned.

Contact us today to find out how a five minute discussion could lead efficiency gains and profit savings.

// Our Services

Custom Development

Custom work is just part of the grocery industry.  It comes in many forms, and it always comes, no matter how complete the POS system is.  And knowing the talent and ability is there is one of the reasons grocers choose their provider.  The development team at POS Plus is top tier and one of the best SMS development teams in the country.  

From simple needs to complex applications, the POS Plus development team is capable of analyzing current needs and creating solutions designed to scale into the future, following the roadmaps of our software partners, and ensuring investment protection for years to come.

Instead of dismissing that idea, contact us to find out how we can turn that idea into reality.